
Kids Sewing - A Bag with Pockets

Remember my Bouquet Day Bag?

Well my survival boy wanted to make his own for art supplies. thought of the grand idea for his bag to be a more simple version of my own. No lining and no pockets. But he would not have it. Oh, no. "Garrett makes bags with pockets", he said. So he wanted pockets too. And not just any old pocket would do. These pockets had to fit certain things like pencils, glue sticks, pads of paper, etc. Being the homeschool mom with the perspective that they will grow up and move on to other non-mom things in just a few more winks of an eye, I put away my own project, poured myself a cup of coffee - with chocolaty and creamy goodness, of course - and spent the rest of the day by his side. I only guided, though. He really had a plan of his own.

He is pretty happy with his bag.

Don't you think?

And thanks for your inspiration, Garrett. I think all our conversations around the dinner table about sewing bags and surfboard covers have shown my boys that sewing is cool. And that there is always room for a pocket.

I shared this on Show and Tell Fridays, too.
Don't forget to check out what others have been up to this week.
And maybe even put up one of your own finished projects on Amy Lou Who's blog.


  1. Anonymous22.10.10

    teach them young that sewing is fun.

  2. Oh wow, that's so cool that he made it (and wanted to!) all by himself! Awesome! I hope my kids want to learn how to sew when they get a little bigger!

  3. What an awesome bag and I love that he sews!! (BTW- I found you through the AmyLouWho linky party.)


  4. Great job! How proud you must be.

  5. Great bag...and the best part is that he made it!


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