
Curtain Up-do

I tried shopping for new curtains. I really did, only to end up at the thrift store. I purchased a set of heavy cotton panels for $7, instead of $20 for one rather ugly panel at a department store. After cutting one of the panels to the right length and hemming it, I perused my stash finding a favorite orange print and grey kona to give it some pop. I really would not have thought of putting orange and grey together, but since I usually have time to sew at night when fabric stores are closed, one must make due. A little cutting of strips, a little ironing, a smidge of sewing and voila. New curtains. And new favorite colors. Orange and grey.



  1. I love it! I need to utilize the thrift store better!

  2. I'd like a beginner (and I mean beginner) tutorial on this, please.

  3. Anonymous4.9.10

    I love the orange panel, it looks very similar to my favourite Washi Japanese tape. Very pretty.

  4. this would totally sell in your etsy store! i wonder if you can do more things like this?


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