
Sunday's Graces

A holy God

a longsuffering God
whose patience with us
leads us to patience
with others.

a God who is both
holy and longsuffering.
without holiness
is not enough.

Sometimes it helps me to take a good look at my many and awkward imperfections and note how patient God is with me. It is then that I can turn around and offer a smackerel of patience to one whom I would rather not. I say smackerel because I sometimes think Winnie the Pooh, and my patience will always pale compared to God's perfect forbearance.

a husband
who is quite patient, too.
he reminds me with his patience,
that God hasn't given up on me, either.
there is hope.

that God didn't put us here alone.
He gives us people
to encourage and love us
and at times
to even drive us to our knees.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for continually blessing and encouraging me with your grace-filled words.

    Love you,



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